Garnet, the official birthstone for the month of January, signifies Love and Trust.
Amethyst, a purple variety of mineral quartz is a popular birthstone for the month of February.
The gemstone Aquamarine is the March Birthstone and the birthstone of Scorpions (Zodiac Sign).
Happy birthday to all our April born fans. Remember your birthstone is "The Diamond".
There are three different birthstones associated with the month of June : Pearl, Moonstone, Alexandrite
Rubies, one of the most sought after gemstones, are the birthstone for the month of July.
Sapphires, christened, "the gem of soul and autumn" - a fitting name for the September's birthstone.
Opal, commonly known as "opalus" (meaning "a stone") in Latin is the birthstone for the month of October.
There are two different birthstones associated with the month of November: Yellow Topaz, Citrine.
There are three different birthstones associated with the month of December: Blue Topaz, Turquoise and Tanzanite.